英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 15:13:19
  • 网络解释

1. 步测:oxide n.[化]氧化物 | pace off步测 | pacifyvt.抚慰;平静;平安;绥靖

The horse set off at a spanking pace.(那匹马一溜烟飞奔而去。)
The carriage was prepared according to orders, and stepping lightly into it, the count drove off at his usual rapid pace.(此时马车已遵命准备好了,伯爵轻轻地跨进车厢里,车子便立刻疾驰而去。)
The consistency of his hitting off the ground coupled with the ability to change the pace are fundamental attributes.(纵深出击与节奏的变换,如封似闭,是他确定胜利的根本。)
They set off at a steady pace.(他们以不紧不慢的速度出发了。)
We set off again at a more sedate pace.(我们又一次出发了,步调更加缓慢。)
His pace off the ball will improve and he will show better reactions to loose balls.(增加无球跑动时的速度与无球时的反应。)
This often comes off as impatience, but Gen Ys are used to things moving at a fast pace.(他们对速度的追求很容易被人当做不耐烦,但他们干什么都习惯快节奏。)
More often he'd simply pace and finally skulk off to his tree stump, perhaps to worry alone.(更多的时候他只是踱步,最后又偷偷回到他的树桩那儿,也许要独自不安。)
The driver shut off steam and put on brakes, the Toad got down on the step, and as the train slowed down to almost a walking pace he heard the driver call out, ‘Now, jump!’(司机关上汽门,踩住刹车,蟾蜍站到踏板上,火车速减慢到差不多和步行一样时,他听到司机一声喊:“现在,跳!”)
The pace of this change has certainly caught hotels off guard.(社会媒体的变化速度让酒店措手不及。)
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